Thursday, June 24, 2010

Battlestar Galactica

Now, to be fair, I'm not finished. I am halfway through season 4, the last season, and then I have the 2nd movie to go, but here goes anyways.

I specifically wasn't going to watch BSG because of the 1970's version of the show. I DID watch the original movie and it blew goats on a warm summer day. it was El Terrible. REAL bad. The actual Cylons (a race of robots, created by humans at a lab called Skynet... wait, wrong movie) looked mucho cheeso in the first film and they do a MUCH better job in the series.

There are a number of cast members you would recognize. Well, ok... about 4. First there is Edward James Olmos?Almos? as the batshit crazy, tough love, oft changing, commander. He runs a tight ship... well, he runs a ship. The remainder of the cast are mostly nobodies although a few of them have actually launched their careers using the show, such as the guy from the new CTV show The Bridge. Then again... it launched his canadian television career. Even if it's the best show since Danger Bay. WAIT! Holy shit! The guy from Danger Bay plays the doctor. THIS SHOW IS SWEET. Also, for those of you of both sexes, and maybe some cyborgs, that like a little eye candy, the show is full of it. To be honest, everyone on the show is fracking somebody.

From a plot perspective, it gets a little muddled. The first season is stellar. You never know what's going to happen next, and when it does happen, you believe it. Season 2 tries to continue this trend with a little bit of issues from time to time. Season 3 and 4 become very muddy. You become unsure of the actions of the characters as they become surpisingly unpredictable almost to the point of annoyance. You believe all the things that happen in the 1st season, and most of the 2nd, but when the 3rd and 4th come around, you come to believe that if the Cylons REALLY had a plan, all these stupid humans would be dead, and then the show would be over.

The first 17 times they said FRACK, I was really confused and thought this show just liked to drop f-bombs. It seemed cheesy at first, but eventually it become part of the language you become used to, just like FTL drive. (If you're not stupid or have read my review of SGU, you will know that this is a faster than light drive). I am a LITTLE bit confused about the whole "where the f are we jumping" deal. To be honest, I want to know a lot more about the way intergalactic communications work.

All that being said, good show, lots of twists, and well worth the watch.

By the way. I JUST figured out the Tom Zarek is the original Apollo. I suck.

2.5 Donairs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always wanted to become a viper pilot...never mind that there is no sound in space- i wanted to hear those frackin rocket engines !