Saturday, February 14, 2009

X-Files: I Want To Believe

I also wanted to believe. I wanted to believe that they could re-create the magic of the show and the first movie. I wanted to believe this wasn't just a money grab from a bunch of out of work actors, and Xibit. However, that's like believing the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy have a fucking summer house in The Hamptons.

This movie is absolutely TERRIBLE. Watching this movie is like asking someone to bite off your nut, record it, and then watch it again. Never mind the fact that we all wanna know what happened when the giant frigging space ship took off from the first movie, or where the hell Skinner has been. No one wants to see that dude from Head of The Class as a child molesting priest who can almost see the future or the past. And a two-headed dog......? Are you f#@$ing kidding me. This movie should have never been made. I want to believe that they learned their lesson. But then again, I thought they learned their lesson before. 

I had SUCH a fantasy about Scully before this movie came out. They ruined everything. Bastards.

Now about the movie. 
Plot - Nope
Acting - Nope more

Yeah, that's about it. 
1 Donair.


Anonymous said...

I want to see the guy from the Head Of the Class as a child molester.

Anonymous said...

wow um mr.Tanner .... you swore ! ( a numerous amount of times)

... would of never thought . though i must admit your opinions are fun to read you also have good insight which in turn makes for a good and funny review .. good job!

By : Kaitlin in 902 ! ( oh and by the way 902 totally rocks!