Sunday, August 10, 2008

Point Break

What has four presidents, Gary Busey, Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze, surfing, skydiving,  a guy that was in 3:10 to Yuma, Lori Petty, Anthony Siewkdfsjhfdsi (the guy from RHCP), a guy that was in a really old Van Damme movie, gunfights, boobs, shrimp, parachutes, chili dogs, Australia, California, and a guy named Johnny Utah and kicks more ass than Angelina's bum in Wanted? THIS MOVIE. FUR RULL, this might be the greatest action movie of all time if you ignore plausibility and continuity. Busey is WICKED on coke in this movie, (not part of his character) and Reeves is at his best as a college football star turned FBI agent turned surfing guru. Finally, we hit on Swayze. Well, we don't hit on him but you get the idea. Swayze as the philosophical giant, Bode, Bodazopha, is FANTASTIC. This movie makes me want to surf and sky-dive. I can't swim and I'm scared of heights. That's how awesome this movie is. 

2 1/2 Donairs.

1 comment:

Neil "The Real Deal" Cody said...

And once again Mike throws out more claims then a jehovah's witness...yeah I said it what! Greatest Action movie of all time eh? I'm not gonna dispute that this movie kicks serious ass I mean come on Keeanu's name in it is JOHNNY UTAH.....that automatically makes this film money but for the same reason also makes it no where near the greatest action movie of all time.