Friday, August 1, 2008


Terrible. Bloody embarrasing. If not for a courageous effort by Hud (TJ Miller) this film would have been unwatchable. Why you ask? Let's see. A monster movie with NO ORIGIN story. That is balls. I've been told there will be a sequel with more of an origin story. Will I watch it? Of course I will, I watch everything. Will I loathe it? Yes. There are a couple of decent performances, basically none of the main characters, and some great special effects but all in all, they do not make up for what was an absolute crap movie. Sure, you get to see the monster, but you know what, he looks stupid. That's right. Almost every rendering I saw on the internet was better than the actual monster. The most interesting this about this movie was the commotion it caused on youtube with conspiracy theorists going nuts trying to get pictures out of the clouds (ridiculous). Terrible, I care what no one says. This COULD have been the greatest monster movie in movie history. As it stands, I would relegate it to 12th... for the year.

1 comment:

Jenner Star said...

I liked this movie. Just kidding, it was enjoyable basically because I had popcorn. ;)