Friday, August 1, 2008

Chaos Theory

I thought this was a comedy. I thought it was a really funny film starring Ryan Reynolds. I thought it was a really funny film starring Ryan Reynolds and Stuart Townsend. And it was. But, much like Pleasantville, the movie takes a very dark turn. That being said, it is actually still VERY funny. It just mixed in some extremely poignant storytelling. It is a thought provoking look at family life and at the way we attempt to control the things around us that are seemingly beyond any sort of control. Reynolds' best performance since Blade Trinity, although he doesn't LOOK nearly as cool. Tear factor is there with some very moving dialogue and once again, Reynolds is as good at NOT saying things as he is at saying things. Supporting cast is solid and I would definitely recommend the film to anyone who is looking for... anything.
Since people have asked for my rating system, here goes. Movies will be graded on a three donair scale.. with 0 donairs being the worst and 3 donairs being the best. 
This movie deserves 2 1/2 donairs.

1 comment:

Neil "The Real Deal" Cody said...

Apparently Ryan Reynolds is starting a very UN-lucrative trend where if you haven't heard of his movie it means he's amazing in it and the movie totally rocks.....Good plan there Van!

This movie was awesome Reynolds can play anything and make it believable. It's also nice to see that Townsend isn't dead but if he keeps signing up for movies nobody's ever heard of he might as well be.