Friday, August 1, 2008

4 Minutes

Long before Madonna and JT tortured us with the song, there was the German film. Set in the backdrop of a women's prison in Germany (insert lesbians here) the movie is the tale of a young pianist attempting to come to terms with some serious anger issues. It culminates in a great performance but there are a few problems with the movie. First, the character development is far too fast. 0-60 in half a second means it is not entirely believable. Secondly, and you will understand this more later. The song she SHOULD have played.... she doesn't play... Not that I don't appreciate why she makes the choices she did, but it was just a really nice song... and the preview led me to believe otherwise. Sub-titles do nothing to diminish a great story told with great music. A definite movie you should see.

1 comment:

Neil "The Real Deal" Cody said...

I'm not going to lie to you I dint watch this movie....I also never plan too....But if you ever say anything bad about Justin Timberlake again I'll slap you so hard it will re-stimulate your hair follicles on head and you will grow back a luscious Mane of hair only to have me grab and pull out again thus leaving you bald...I know that brings you right back to where you are but my god think of the pain involved in that process...