Friday, July 9, 2010

Youth In Revolt

What do you get when you combine a spry-stash, cigarettes, strange evangelists and Justin Long? The answer is a relatively intelligent, slightly missing the mark, story of love, life and the pursuit of vagina.

Michael Cera is brilliant in his dual role as Nick Twisp, a semi-socially retarded goodie two-shoes, and Francois Dillinger, a narcissistic sissy with a terrible moustache and a pension for getting into trouble and then pussing out.

The chick in the movie, who gives a donkey's ass what her name is, is obnoxious. She is everything that is wrong about women. Throughout the course of the entire movie you never have a fucking hope that you'll ever know what, if anything, is floating around in her silly woman head (all complaints about this episodes' misogyny can be directed towards

There are some problems with the movie. First, Cera's sudden drift into multiple personalities is a little confusing and honestly happens a little too quickly with little or no reference to what the fuck is happening. Zack Gallifaganakolistikov (I don't have a sweet fucking clue how you pronounce his name) is relatively amusing and Ray Liotta has WAY too much fun smacking a young boys' ass.

Michael Cera's mom is a whore, his dad is a douchebag and the sister from Fringe his hot as balls.

Apparently this is a good fucking book. It's an ok movie. Maybe I should read the book.

I give this 2 donairs. It's watchable, but has a lot of holes.

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