Monday, June 1, 2009

Role Models

I am not going to lie. I thought Role Models was going to be fantastically terrible. I thought that it was going to suck in a way that wasn't even the good way. And I was wrong. First off, McLovin... (I don't give a shit what his real name is) is great. He is awkward in a way that makes you just want to tell him that it's all going to be ok. Sean William Scott is his typical self, and its a good thing too, because I saw one time when he tried to do something different and it sucked. Finally, Paul Rudd. Paul Rudd. Paul Rudd. Paul Rudd. Paul Rudd is great. I think he might go down as one of the funniest actors in the world. Genius. Absolute genius. Does he play the same character as I Love You Man? Yes... But that movie kicked nuts too. So, watch the movie. Enjoy it. Don't feel bad about the racism, the sexism, and everything else. It's like chocolate cake. It's awesome. You're going to get fat. But it's awesome. 2.5 donairs.

1 comment:

Helen Wright said...

We actually enjoyed it too! I love Paul goes back to the 80's, although I couldn't tell you why I know him from there. Off to IMDB I go!