Saturday, February 14, 2009

Zak and Miri Make a Porno

So, before I knew this was a Kevin Smith joint, sorry Spike, I thought it looked ok. Then I found out that it was a Kevin Smith flick and I thought, well holy shit. Smack my ass and call me Sally. This is going to be awesome.
Firstly, Seth Rogen is the man. This guy is beyond funny. If I could have an uncle, I would want it to be Seth Rogen. He i SO funny. His last few movies, I thought he was funny but in this he goes beyond. Aside from Superbad, I would say this is his best performance. 
Elizabeth Banks is a hottie. She is stunningly good looking plus in this, she humps.
Now, for negatives.
You get to see Muise's package....Wait, I said negatives, right?
Seriously, the movie is amazing. Super funny, especially the reunion scene. And that guy from the office is GREAT.
All in all. Smith's best work since Mallrats.

Well done tubby.

3 Donairs.


Anonymous said...

Not all Kevin Smith movies are great!

Mickeal Tanner said...

See, that's where you're wrong..