Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pineapple Express

Alright, let me lay it out here for you. I was not looking forward to seeing this film. In fact, I had every intention of not seeing this film. Absolutely every intention of NOT seeing this film. That being said, Neil decided to wine and dine me, well, neither really, but he took me to a show and we saw it.
I will be even more forthright now. I do not puff on the chronic. I have nothing against it per se, I just don't. SO, the prospect of a movie that is actually titled after a particular breed of herb is NOT my idea of a great time.
All that being said, here is where we are at. That is a pretty funny movie. There were actually quite a few laugh out loud moments, and not just the ones from the trailer. Seth Rogan actually gets funnier each movie. Sure, some of the humor is recycled and some of it appeals to the lowest common denominator (i.e. an abundance of nut shots), but you know what, nut shots are funny, and so is this movie. 
The cast for this movie is pretty redic. There are so many surprising cameos and bit parts that work really well. They do some really neat, cheesy camera work and in the end, you come to the realization that you don't really need a plot. Combine copious amounts of narcotics, Rosie Perez, a curly headed Jewish comedian, a suddenly ugly James Franco and a plethora of nut shots and you have got yourself a 2 1/4 Donair movie.


Richard said...

This movie sounds like a waste of my precious time.

Jenner Star said...

You and Neil have a beautiful relationship. :D

Neil "The Real Deal" Cody said...

Apparently when Mike and I went to see this movie we sat in completely different theaters. If you asked me to describe to you the degree to which this movie sucked I would have to relate it to being forced to dry off Mike after a vigorous cardio session and only being allowed to use your tongue.....sorry was that too much.....are you finished puking?????

Yes this movie had a few laughs here and there but it licked major bag in general. I like nay I love the actors in this film but combined they owe me $20 for subjecting me to 2 HOURS worth of shit. Save your money, dont even rent it this is more of a let someone else rent it a mooch off their rental kinda flick. 1 Donair (and that's only cause Rosie Perez makes her comeback...she was awesome in White Men Can't Jump)

Anonymous said...

Lol so your reviews for this movie is good, but the comments put it down, not exactly sure if I want to spend the 10 bucks to go see it. Than again I could always go over to portland street where its only 7 bucks:D

Anonymous said...

I notice you didn't comment at all on the incredible amount of violence in this picture. I haven't seen it yet myself, but I've been assured it contains some of the most gruesome scenes of any movie this summer... What do you say to that mister?

Neil "The Real Deal" Cody said...

VIOLENCE???? You have been grossly misinformed