Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pictures of Us

Neil and I were a little concerned that those of you who have not seen us in awhile might think we were still chubby bunnies based on our previous picture. Furthermore, since the totally nude revue pictures are still being developed I decided to go with this artist's rendering of us. Now, I know what you're thinking, who's who? Well, do I have hair? NO.... NO I don't... take it Robin... take it all..


Richard said...

Robin looks like he is having the time of his life. You must be Batman.

Anonymous said...

i was expecting to see a flower vase smashed besided them ..... (clerks animated)

Anonymous said...

Your gonna make me say it aren't you??????

Fair enough let's see who do we think is the Batman and who is the Robin in our relationship.....Is there really any doubt????? If Bruce Wayne (BATMAN) married Celenia Kyle (CATWOMAN) do you think he'd change his name to Bruce KYLE?????

I believe that is game, set and match clearly rendering me as the BATMAN in our relationship thanks...Keep pushing it and I'll choke you out like i did on Ian's couch when you tried to sneak attack me!

Anonymous said...

Being developed???? Seriously? Do they even still MAKE film for photo cameras to be developed. Also, I think Neil's got you with the name thing.