Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pan's Labyrinth

This movie looks great. It really does. It has a great soundtrack. It has some terrifying characters and it is an absolutely original and unique film. As the movie progresses you think, "where is this going?" You are sitting there wondering where they are going to go with the movie and then they go there and you think, "oh. Alright. Well, I wouldn't have done that. I guess you could do that. But why would you? That's just a little silly and dumb". Also, what is with this guy and moths and other bugs. Guillermo Del Toro clearly has a weird insect fetish. I wasn't sure. Then I watched Hellboy and Mimic and decided that if I were to have a party, Del Toro would not be invited, because he would invite the weirdest muthas in the world.
This is a movie you need to "see" because it is visually stunning and totally unique. Furthermore, it is not a great movie. And the whole movie you just yell at the girl. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? DON'T BE STUPID. PUT DOWN THAT FUCKING GRAPE."

1 3/4 Donairs. But you still need to see it.


Richard said...

This is a great one. I knew it was going to be good when buddy got his face bashed in. Great stuff.

Jenner Star said...

I just watched this tonight, thinking I would probably like it. I was wrong. I enjoyed some of the effects, visually it was a beautiful movie... but the plot left so much to be desired. In the end, I found I was quite depressed.