Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Money Pit

Well, as you all probably know, I have been plugging my way along working on my new house since Friday, which is the primary reason for my lack of posts. I have been working from about 8am-10pm for the last several days. That being said, if you can find it anywhere, check out the Tom Hanks classic (anything before Cast Away will do), The Money Pit. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll see where I'm coming from. Miss you all. I need a donair.


Richard said...

Good luck with the house. You must have inhaled to much saw dust. The Money Pit was a bad movie!

Anonymous said...

the money pit was decent, however, funny farm is the same movie but funnier AND with chevy chase....also, I think you need to edit the "I" in "I've been working...." :D