Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lord of War

This is an absolutely fantastic movie. First off, it is an eloquent narrative on the state of our world. The saddest part about this film is that, it is so very accurate. I love Nick Cage. I don't care that everyone else actually thinks he is one of the worst actors in the world. I think he's fantastic. I think he is the greatest actor in his... entire family. Good ole' crazy eyes. Furthermore, have you SEEN Bridget Moynahan. She is the one of the hottest girl's in the world, (way to go Tom Brady. One more reason I hate Tom Brady). This also has Jared Leto in his best performance since My So Called Life. YAY Claire Danes.

This is a truly great film. It looks good, it sounds good, it has a solid story and tremendous acting.

Nick Cage is the greatest actor of all time.
2 3/4 Donairs


Richard said...

Thanks. I was not sure about this one but if you say it is good I will watch it.

Jenner Star said...

Nick Cage is a dirtbag. He's wonderful in this movie and this movie is fabulous based on the idea that Cage can act as himself, aka a sleazy douchey DIRTBAG! lol.

Tom Brady is also a dirtbag.

Neil "The Real Deal" Cody said...

1. Bridget Moynahan is sooooooooooooooooo hot.

2. Nick Cage is the greatest actor ever???? Really there Claimy McMoron? Nick Cage like Keeanu Reeves is a one demential actor. That being said they are both AWESOME at that one demention.

3. This movie is super sweet and would appear to be exactly what you would expect the life of an arms dealer to be like.

4. 2 naked chicks in Africa with no condom...priceless

Anonymous said...

Great work.