Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Little Children

I wasn't sure about this movie. I'm not a huge Kate Winslett fan, except for her nude work in Titanic and the only thing I've really seen Patrick Wilson in was Hard Candy, (I will review that soon), and that movie was messed up. All that being said, this is a really solid movie. The narration is hilarious, making you imagine a PBS documentary, which I think was kind of the point. I'm about halfway through now and still trying to figure out if this is a comedy or a drama. In one case it's not funny how serious it is, and in another case, it's very serious how funny it is. I really can't decide. 

Also teaches you that can't comfortably masturbate when you are married, (that's something they left out of the marriage preparatory course), and that is a little concerning. I will say that I think despite a limited filmography, Patrick Wilson is an under-appreciated actor who could very well be the next big thing in Hollywood. It's nice to see that Kate Winslett can so easily let herself go in a film, much like she has for, most of her films. I would have liked to have seen more Jennifer Connelly a lot more, but this is because of my intense infatuation with her, and is not in any way based on her abilities as an actor, which I believe are limited. 

I was also really pumped about being a parent BEFORE this movie but what with the over-the-top schedule making and the fairly consistent references to serial child predators, I have decided to utilize a can opener and a simple kitchen fork to make myself impotent. 

The movie is very well filmed, with great cinematography. It's going to sound really odd here but the movie has a really great color. Some films lack a good color, but Little Children is an example of a film whose color exactly matches the tone and feel of the film. What color is the movie? I dunno. If I had to pick one I would have to say light green. But that is just a guess. In any case, it's the right color. 

46 minutes in, the movie takes a terrible turn for the worse, making sure you are aware that any comedic value that was previously present has been overcome. It is gone, if it was ever really there, and you are left with the sort of awkward feeling you get after someone makes some sort of racist comment or you make a mother joke, only to find out that the individuals mother is deceased. 

"Here comes the rain again, making the film just a little more awkward. Setting up the potential love scene for you"... set to the music from Annie Lennoxs' "Here Comes The Rain Again".

" Here... just let me get you out of those wet clothes...."

Awkwardness to the nth degree following this... oh man, almost difficult to watch. There moments when this movie makes me feel bad about being a person, given the ways in which people act. Most people probably think that bad people don't have mothers. Watch this movie and let me know what you think then. This movie definitely makes you re-examine what you think about life and I think that's a good thing. 

"Madame Bovary is not a slut." One of the greatest lines in film history. 

Ok, so, the narrator's voice is actually really starting to annoy the shit out of me. He's too PBS. He's like a really boring Marty Stouffer and Marty Stouffer was not exactly a show stopper. 

Alright, final remarks. 
This film is very awkward. I think there were a few too many plotlines and for a good portion of the movie, I was a little bit confused, not about who the primary characters were, but definitely about what the secondary story was. It's good, don't get me wrong, but it is extremely awkward. It's like watching a couple fight and break up right in front of you. And they're friends... but you can't do anything about it. And you think 'this can't actually be happening'. But it is. And that sucks. But it is still a good movie. I think I just figured it out. Whoever made this movie watched American Beauty and thought, hey, that sold a lot of tickets and DVD's and other stuff, so, let's kind of make that basic movie again. And they did.

Just got to the end. NOT a comedy.

Overall, 2 Donairs.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Sounds like I will give this one a pass.