Wednesday, August 6, 2008

88 Minutes

I'm going to make a very bold statement. Prior to watching this film, based on what I feel will be a predictable plot, the usual twists, and some classic Pacino over-acting (keeping mind I love Pacino) this movie is going to be about 83 minutes too long.
The soundtrack to this movie is obnoxious. It is just the wrong combination of ghetto rap (while I do love Ms. New Booty) and some really fantastic tense-mellodrama eerie creepy piano. It's bad. Real bad. Whoever was responsible for the music for this film is about to get kicked in the dick.
Music aside, Pacino is as cool as usual. The movie looks really smooth, really slick and really hi-tech, which I am assuming was the point. Quick question though. What the hell is wrong with Pacino's hair? If he was that important, he would have a hairdresser. And yet, he obviously does not have a hairdresser. I know I seem focused on hair lately, what with my displeasure with Naomi Watts' hair, but I think it is important. Hair is important, which I know seems really funny coming from me.
Apparently this is also a partial screening of the OC. I apologize Ryan, but you are now officially typecast FOR LIFE. Leelee Sobieski. I love you. Please take acting lessons.
 Alicia Witt got a hair cut. Pretty hot.
Suddenly, this movie has taken a turn for the worse. In fact, that would make it a turn for the worst, given how terrible the start was. The film has gone from being relatively bad to very bad. This movie makes me want to swallow 88 pop rocks and a bottle of pepsi. 
Pacino, Pacino, Pacino. Little piece of advice. Either retire, or only make movies with DeNiro. Like, do you need the money this bad. 
There they go with the RAP/HIP-HOP/CLASSICAL music combination again. I'm gonna punch somebody. 
Alicia, you also need to get acting lessons. All these pretty faces, no acting ability.
I love how suddenly anyone in the movie with a cell phone is a suspect. Check out the moustache on that security guard..... WOW... Interesting. Last two movies. Terrible hair, terrible moustaches. 
Alright Al, let me put it this way to you. You need a new group of friends. These friends are all dicks. And at least one of them is trying to kill you. 
So, I'm not at the end yet, but I am going to let you know now that the killer is..... Well, I won't do that... but I am going to make a guess now, and I am going to see if I am right.... Obviously I could lie and tell you I was right, but I won't. I will be totally honest. One thing this movie teaches us is that lesbians will eventually destroy the world.
Totally honestly, the ending is pretty miserable, which is good because it matches up well with the rest of the movie. 
OH MAN. This movie just ended with some philosophy bullshit. Like a 1st year King's student starting FYP, this movie doesn't have a sweet clue what it wants to do. It could have been a thriller, an action, a drama or a philosophy. It failed at each. If you want to see a better version of this movie, watch The Chamber, The Life of David Gale, The Green Mile or .... anything else. 
1 donair.


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